Every place you visit tends to have their own particular type of food that they are famous for. Italian food, for example, has many dishes that are considered 'Italian', such as pizza, pasta, wine, etc. In other countries other foods are consider local favorites, like chili in Mexico or jerk chicken in Jamaica.
Most times the type of food offered in a particular country centers on the country's local foods that are available, or that thrive in that area. For example, coffee from Costa Rica is famous due to the growing conditions in that area, or pineapples from Hawaii, or seafood from most Caribbean islands.
Some places have particular spices that enhance their local cultural dishes. Indian food is famous for their curries, for instance.
With most travellers it is a wonderful delight to discover the different flavors and types of food offered in each area they visit. Sometimes it is a surprise to discover dishes that they have never heard of before. Often they will remember a particularly flavorful offering as a highlight of their vacation.
When you next travel to your vacation destination, don't be afraid to try the local specialties. You may discover a dish worth remembering, or one that you may wish to try making at home as part of your own family traditions.
Here are a couple of cookbooks you may be interested in to bring home some of the tastes from your travels:
20 Jamaican Recipes, available at: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B007IUOMZ4
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